Monday 19 January 2015

GTA heists DLC information cars, weapons, etc

Hello everyone! 

As heists are coming any day now there's more information surfacing on the much anticipated heists DLC, The ifruit app now has 7 new vehicles which i presume are the heist vehicles! 

These are;
Lampadati casco,
Dinka enduro, 
Vapid guardian, 
HVY insurgent, 
Karin kuruma, 
Karin technical,
Principi lectro.

I have also found some very interesting Heist DLC leaked source codes that has been sourced by Shady Lapse.

The leaked source codes (below) suggest that we will be seeing an array of awesome new weapons such as the new Electro Magnetic Pulse (EMP) bombs, BZ Gas XM25 Grenade Launcher and Thermal bomb.

The EMP bombs will be brilliant against electronic equipments such as robots and security cameras.

There is a mention of BioLab Finale sounds, which hint at security door alarms or something specific to The Humane Labs Raid mission in new audio files.

The codes also suggest that we will be getting armoured cars and armoured vehicles such as the APC tank, and the highly anticipated Hydra jet plane (unlockable via Pegasus for $1.5m).

After seeing the official Heist DLC trailer, Heist DLC is likely to contain new clothing, masks, which is suggested in the source codes.

Lester is also mentioned in the game source code, which hints at some special assistance from Lester during Heist missions like taking out a target or offering back up force for a clean getaway.

There is a mention of a new contact named Jeff, he could be the contact who offers the heist missions.

The last line in the leaked source code suggests there would be some new animals coming to Heists. It is speculated that we could see some Guard Dogs, Sniffers or some hunting dogs that could aid the cops in their missions.

Here are the excerpts from the leaked game source code for the Heist DLC:

  • "MP_HEIST_LESTER_TARGET_VCLS_FEATURE." might be feature to find armed cars?
  • "MP_HEIST_BONUS_DLC_CONTENT_BZGAS_XM25Grenade_Launcher,"New weapon!
  • "MP_HEIST_DLC_CONTENT_VEHICLES." The Armored Vehicles?
  • "MPHEIST_MASK." New Masks!!
  • "MPHEIST_JEFF." [0xBBCB4AAC ] new contact!
  • "MP_Buy_PEGASUS_UNLOCK_TMJ_1.500.000$" Hydra is available to buy after The military heist?
  • "PILOT_SCHOOL_VEHICLE_HYDRA" This was added in the 1.19 update! "CONTENT_PACK_HEIST_ANIMALS" horses?

Thanks for reading! As soon as it goes live I will Livestream & upload videos to my YouTube which is ; 



  1. Can't wait for heists! Will be amazing.

  2. great blog Jen - Can't wait for the Heists

  3. Your blogs are getting better and better. can not wait for heists now crew going to have great fun , i can be a thug again with out doing time for the crime lol

    1. Aww thank you 😊 haha yeah it'll be great fun x
