Tuesday 4 November 2014

GTAV next gen character & gameplay new information

Hello everyone!

Exciting new information on GTAV for PS4 today was released by IGN, so I'll grab the information and put it in a easy list. On the PS4 version there will be : 

way more detail to your character online, you can now customize no less than your eyes, nose, nose profile, nose tip, cheeks, cheek shape, lips, and more. Each has its own spectrum in which to tweak each individual setting.

flashing red & blue light bar when you have a wanted level 

150 new songs including backstreet boys 

Previous dlc vehicles will spawn around the map

Over 20 new species of wildlife (Cats aren't bulletproof)

Phone calls sound come out the PS4 controller speaker

First person mode available in any game mode (deathmatches/driving/freeroam) just tap your touch pad

You can create deathmatches/ races in first person mode only

Your character can duck behind the steering wheel 

Swipe left and right on the touch pad to select weapons 

Swipe up and down on the touch pad to select the radio channels 

All cars have different interiors on first person mode

Working speedos

Gameplay on PS4 is 1080p

New character facial animations such as blush & raise eyebrows 

Set way points using the PS4 touch pad 

The mini map rotates when you change direction 

In car radio displays station & song 

Your in game phone is now 3D 

I will update this when I have more information!

Thanks for reading!


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